Ginnie Hislop would have earned her master’s degree many years ago if World War II hadn’t interrupted her education. Now, more than 80 years later, 105-year-old Hislop has finally achieved her goal. She received her master’s degree in education from Stanford University, walking across the stage at Sunday’s ceremony.

“My goodness,” Hislop said in a news release provided by Stanford. “I’ve waited a long time for this.”
Hislop first enrolled at Stanford in 1936, earning her bachelor’s degree in 1940. A year later, she had completed all the coursework for her master’s degree and was preparing to submit her thesis. However, her plans changed when her then-boyfriend, George Hislop, was called to serve during World War II. The couple quickly got married and left the campus before graduation, heading to the U.S. Army outpost at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
“I thought it was one of the things I could pick up along the way if I needed it,” Hislop said about the delayed master’s degree. “I always enjoyed studying, so that wasn’t really a great concern to me − and getting married was.”
After the war, the Hislops moved to Yakima, Washington, where they raised two children. While her formal education ended prematurely, Hislop used her talents in other ways. When her daughter Anne was in first grade, Hislop joined the local school board. She advocated for her daughter to take an advanced English class instead of the recommended home economics course.
“I felt that all the kids should have an opportunity to develop their potential as best they could, and that everybody should have a crack at higher education if they wanted,” Hislop said.
Hislop also served on school boards in Yakima at the city, county, and state levels. She became a founding member of the board of directors for Yakima Community College and helped start Heritage University in Toppenish, Washington.
“I think I did good things for our local school system and I helped broaden it out,” she said.
Today, Hislop remains active in her community and tends to her garden. She enjoys spending time with her four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
“The biggest lesson I’ve taken from her is that you never really stop learning,” her son-in-law, Doug Jensen, told Stanford. “She’s a voracious reader, and at 105 she’s still actively moving and shaking. No moss grows under her feet.”
After eight decades, and with Stanford having adjusted its degree requirements to no longer require a thesis, Hislop was able to receive her diploma. Her fellow graduates gave her a standing ovation.
“I’ve been doing this work for years,” she said. “It’s nice to be recognized.”
Hislop’s journey is a testament to her determination and love for learning. Her story inspires many, showing that it is never too late to achieve your dreams.