We’ve all experienced times when we had disagreements with our partners. But this incidence goes beyond what is reasonable. A girl in Chhattisgarh made a theatrical attempt to catch his attention by climbing a very tall structure. She was successful, and the guy quickly followed her to the top. Thankfully, both people were taken down safely and without injury. The specifics of this particularly dramatic episode are provided below.
Young love, ah. When you have no obligations, a simple argument with your lover looks to be the end of the world. It appears that a female in Chhatisgarh got into a fight with her partner before climbing the tower of a high-tension power line.
The girl was able to climb the 80-foot tower all the way to the top. She was caught climbing the tower by several of the locals, who then recorded a video that is being widely shared online. Without a doubt, the incident’s dramatic character makes the iconic scene from the movie Sholay come to mind.
The girl’s boyfriend soon followed her and did the same, climbing the tower. In order to avoid any adverse incidents, onlookers contacted the police to the location of the incident. The cops arrived and engaged in lengthy discussion with the couple.
This rare circumstance occurred in the Chhatisgarh district of the Indian state of Gaurela Pendra Marwahi. The cops were able to successfully lower the couple off the tower safely after engaging in lengthy negotiations with them.
The girl was still a minor, it turned out. The cops issued a severe warning to each of them but did not take any legal action. They were told not to get involved in these issues and not to pull such a prank.