If we don’t supply appropriate nutrition during this season, our bodies might quickly get dehydrated. These summer refreshments can keep your body hydrated.
Here are five drinks to help you rehydrate in the heat:
1. Sattu: During the summer, a drink made from Sattu is an excellent way to satisfy your thirst. It keeps the body from overheating and effectively reduces the body temperature. It is rich in protein, fibre, calcium, iron, manganese, and magnesium. It is beneficial to the intestines because it contains a lot of insoluble fibre. It also helps to control gas, constipation, and acidity, making it an excellent summer cooler.
2. Buttermilk – Buttermilk packs a lot of nutrition into a small serving. It’s high in protein and calcium. It also has salt, potassium, vitamins, and phosphorus traces. Buttermilk is quite cooling to our bodies and is really refreshing. In the sweltering months of April to July, a glass of buttermilk garnished with cumin seeds, mint, and salt does wonders to satisfy our thirst and chill our body. It can also be topped with ice cubes and is a wonderful substitute for the chemical-laden cold drinks on the market.
3. Bael – Bael juice is a powerhouse of vitamin C and antioxidants that boost immunity. Bael juice can help you stay cool and is a “energy booster” for the scorching summer days. Bael is high in riboflavin, a B-vitamin that is essential for sustaining the body’s energy supply.
4. Cucumber – Juice made from cucumber and mint is delightful and cooling. With its cooling capacity, it “can lessen the possibility of heat stroke,” the expert said.
5. Coconut Water – Coconut water is a gift from nature to humans as it is an outstanding hydrator. The basic ion content of coconuts can replace electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium that are lost by exertion in the body. Our digestive system benefits greatly from the cooling action, which also lessens inflammation of the stomach lining.