Two guys met aboard a ship heading from Japan to America in 1893. One was a Hindu sanyasi (monk) and the other was an Indian businessman. The businessman asked the monk where he was going after they were connected. The sanyasi stated that he will represent Hinduism at a global meeting in America, while the businessman stated that he is on a mission to bring steel to India. “My best wishes for such a beautiful mission,” the sanyasi said. However, I would suggest that you devote some time to learning the mechanical science of steel production while attempting to understand the steel-making process. I would prefer that you establish an institute or a laboratory to do an advanced study on the issue.” The businessman was amazed by the sanyasi’s scientific understanding. Swami Vivekananda was that sanyasi.
Swami Vivekananda is an awe-inspiring figure who towers over the visionaries of modern India. Despite being a religious figure, he crossed all boundaries; scientists, poets, and politicians all look to him for inspiration. Jawaharlal Nehru said of Swami Vivekananda, “Rooted in the past, full of pride in India’s prestige, he was yet modern in his approach to life’s problems and was a kind of bridge between India’s past and her present. “According to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, “Swamiji harmonized the East and the West, religion, and science, the past and the present.” It’s no surprise that he managed to get two opposing political ideologies to agree!
Born in Calcutta in 1863 as Narendranath Datta, his first spiritual contact occurred in 1881, when he met Ramakrishna Paramhansa. Although he originally refused to accept Ramakrishna as his teacher and struggled against his beliefs, he was drawn to his demeanor and often visited him at Dakshineswar. Following Ramakrishna’s death in 1884, he founded the Baranagar Math and made the solemn vow of sanyasi (monk) in 1887.
Journey across India
He left his place of worship in 1890 to explore the globe as a Hindu sanyasi, traveling across India and overseas. Beginning in Varanasi (Benaras), Vivekananda toured widely around India for five years, visiting educational institutions and getting to know various religious traditions and social trends. He gained strong compassion for the suffering of the underprivileged and was determined to better the nation. Vivekananda, who lived largely on offerings, journeyed by foot and rail, with tickets purchased by fans. His only belongings were a water jug, a staff, and his books.
Swami Vivekananda visited Gujarat in 1891. He had an incident when going through the Kutch desert that taught him an essential life lesson: “For days, I used to travel on foot through the desert.” When I was thirsty, I looked for water and noticed a lake glimmering in the distance. The lake evaporated as I reached it. Then I knew it was a mirage that I had read about. This universe is no exception. We’ve all been wandering through this globe illusion for years without realizing it!”
Swami Vivekananda landed at Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, in December 1892. He didn’t have enough money to pay for a boat voyage across a rocky island. To get there, he dove into the sea and swam across. He pondered for three days and got a vision there. “At Cape Camorin, sitting in Mother Kumari’s temple, sitting on the last bit of Indian rock—I came up with a plan: There are so many sanyasis wandering around and teaching the people metaphysics—it’s all madness,” he wrote. Didn’t our Gurudeva once remark, ‘An empty stomach is not beneficial for religion?’
Travel across the world
Swami Vivekananda later chose to attend the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago to share his views on Hinduism. Vivekananda began his journey on May 31, 1893, and stopped in many locations in Japan, China, and Canada on his way to the United States. The Art Institute of Chicago hosted the Parliament of the World’s Religions on September 11, 1893. On the first day, Vivekananda delivered a brief lecture that started with his famous words, “Sisters and brothers of America!”
Vivekananda quoted Hindu scriptures that said, “As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take, through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee!” Despite being short, his statement captured the assembly’s spirit and sense of humanity.
Looking back, it is apparent that Swami Vivekananda’s thought is still applicable in these troubled times. Our country is still looking for solutions to challenges that have afflicted it since Swami Vivekananda’s time a century ago. The industrialist he met on a ship was none other than Jamshedji Tata, who was so moved by his comments that he decided to create India’s first scientific research institute, the Indian Institute of Science, in Bangalore!
Swami Vivekananda was a genuinely global Indian!
Inspiring Quotes of Swami Vivekananda
Dependence is Misery. Independence is Happiness.
You are the Creator of Your Own Destiny.
Conquer Yourself and the Whole Universe is Yours.
All Power is Within You; You Can Do Anything and Everything. You Cannot Believe in God Until You Believe in Yourself.
Real Love is Love for Love’s Sake. I do not Ask Health or Money or Life or Salvation.
The Gift of Knowledge is the Highest Gift in the World.
Inspiration does Exist, But it Must Find You Working.
Arise, Awake, and Stop Not Till the Goal is Reached
One Ounce of Practice is Worth a Thousand Pounds of Theory.