The Indian government revealed to Parliament, with great sadness, that 403 Indian students have died abroad since 2018. The administration attributed the deaths to a number of factors, including accidents and natural disasters. Presenting the disturbing facts to the Rajya Sabha, Union Minister V Muraleedharan identified a troubling pattern, with Canada being the sad leader in hosting the greatest number of these deadly situations.
Among the 34 countries in the survey, Canada reported horrible 91 Indian student deaths during 2018. The United Kingdom (48 deaths), Russia (40), the United States (36), Australia (35), Ukraine (21), Germany (20), and Cyprus (14), all came in close second. During the same period, 10 student deaths were reported by Italy and the Philippines, respectively.
The government’s dedication to ensuring the security and welfare of Indian students studying abroad was highlighted by Minister Muraleedharan. He promised to deal with each issue on an individual basis and take aggressive measures to stop any negative situations in the future. The minister disclosed that mission leaders and high-ranking officials frequently visit colleges and universities to engage with Indian students, highlighting the continuous efforts to guarantee their security.
“The safety and security of Indian students abroad is one of the primary priorities for the Government of India,” said Muraleedharan. He promised that in the event of any unfavorable situation, immediate action would be done, including interacting with the host nation’s authorities to guarantee in-depth investigations and responsibility.
In addition, the government provides disturbed students with full consular support, including emergency medical attention, boarding, and housing when needed. Concerns have been raised by the notable number of student deaths, however, in spite of these attempts. Spokesperson for the External Affairs Ministry Arindam the author acknowledged the high number of students studying overseas while responding to questions regarding the high death rate. Even if there have been isolated examples of criminal activity, he said, consulates actively contact the families impacted and file complaints with the local authorities to make sure the right measures are done. With continuous diplomatic attempts to address the difficulties they encounter abroad, the safety of Indian students continues to be a top priority.